Source code for torchtime.impute

Missing data imputation

The following functions are provided to impute missing time series data:

* `Replace missing data with a fixed value <#torchtime.impute.replace_missing>`_
* `Forward imputation <#torchtime.impute.forward_impute>`_

import torch
from torch import Tensor

[docs]def replace_missing(input: Tensor, fill: Tensor, select: Tensor = None) -> Tensor: """**Replace missing data with a fixed value by channel.** Imputes missing data by replacing all ``NaNs`` with a fixed value by channel. Fill values are specified by the ``fill`` argument. All channels are imputed by default, however a subset can be imputed by passing the indices to ``select``. A common choice of ``fill`` is the mean of each channel in the training data. Under this approach, no knowledge of the time series at times *t > i* is required when imputing values at time *i*. This is essential if you are developing a model that will make online predictions. Args: input: The tensor to impute. The final dimension must hold channel data. fill: Fill values for each channel in the same order as the data. ``fill`` must be the same length as the number of channels to be imputed i.e. the number of channels in the data or the length of ``select`` if shorter. select: Indices for the channels to be imputed (by default all channels are imputed). Returns: Imputed time series. """ assert type(fill) is Tensor, "argument 'fill' must be a Tensor" if select is None: assert fill.size(0) == input.size( -1 ), "Tensor 'fill' must have same number of channels as input ({})".format( input.size(-1) ) select = torch.arange(input.size(-1)) else: assert type(select) is Tensor and fill.size(0) == len( select ), "'select' must be a Tensor the same length as 'fill' ({})".format( fill.size(0) ) # Replace missing values by channel output = input.clone() j = 0 for i, channel in enumerate(torch.unbind(output, dim=-1)): if i in select: channel.nan_to_num_(fill[j]) j += 1 return output
[docs]def forward_impute(input: Tensor, fill: Tensor = None, select: Tensor = None) -> Tensor: """**Replace missing data with last observation carried forward.** Missing data (``NaNs``) are replaced by the previous observation in the channel. If the initial value(s) of a channel is ``NaN`` this is replaced with the respective value in ``fill`` (only required if an initial value is ``NaN``). All channels are imputed by default, however a subset can be imputed by passing the indices to ``select``. A common choice of ``fill`` is the mean of each channel in the training data. Under this approach, no knowledge of the time series at times *t > i* is required when imputing values at time *i*. This is essential if you are developing a model that will make online predictions. .. note:: Only ``input`` tensors with 3 or fewer dimensions are currently supported. The final dimension must hold channel data. Args: input: The tensor to impute. The final dimension must hold channel data. fill: Fill values for each channel in the same order as the data. ``fill`` must be the same length as the number of channels to be imputed i.e. the number of channels in the data or the length of ``select`` if shorter. select: Indices for the channels to be imputed (by default all channels are imputed). Returns: Imputed time series. """ assert len(input.size()) >= 2, "Tensor 'input' must have at least two dimensions" if select is None: select = torch.arange(input.size(-1)) # Last observation carried forward (all channels) x = input.transpose(-2, -1) # shape (n, c, s) x_mask = torch.logical_not(torch.isnan(x)) x_mask = torch.cummax(x_mask, -1)[1] x_imputed = x.gather(-1, x_mask) x_imputed = x_imputed.transpose(-2, -1) # shape (n, s, c) # Update selected channels with imputed data output = input.index_copy(-1, select, x_imputed[..., select]) # Fill initial NaNs if torch.sum(torch.isnan(output[..., select])) > 0: assert fill is not None, "argument 'fill' must be provided" output = replace_missing(output, fill, select) return output